Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I got to admit that lately I've been missing my proper "family" ie: parents quite a bit more....Not sure if it's me getting older..or them...or just the fact that it's been a few years since I have moved out of the province. It actually kinda makes me want to keep updating this blog though so they can at least see what I'm up to.

I got a list of things I want to do soon to become a "better person" ie: more of a "practical man". I recently signed up at the Boreal Institute in Edmonton and am going to be taking an outdoor survival course in December...whee! a whole weekend in North Canada without a tent trying my best to not freeze....looking forward to it.

Also made my first preserves/canning thing! yay for making good friends with the neighbor upstairs who was willing to help me...some of you lucky people just *might* be getting some fun preserves or pickled carrots even!

Spent last weekend going through the mountains with the girl..was pretty fun but really too quick...ended up walking up mount tunnel in banff which was really quite nice...gonna try to make it up to the top of a mountain every month or so...

My better half and I have already talked quite a bit and once we pay off the inlaws car we are going to go shopping for a camping van for next summer...I can't even tell you how excited I am for this...it's been a daydream of mine for literally years to convert an older van into something I could find livable...yay

That's all for now folks, sorry for the brief update.


  1. I have been dreaming of owning a camping van as well. A van is no yacht (and definitely no zeppelin or submarine), but it is definitely a more obtainable goal.

  2. Of all the things to pickle, you pickle carrots? Really? I must try them to decide if you are crazy or not.
